Vegan ETF Scam
Beyond Investing’s US Vegan Climate ETF (VEGN) is *not* an ethical option. Do not give them your money. Update 2025-03-24: Since I contacted Beyond Investing asking them to divest from Tesla and United Health, their holdings of Tesla increased from 3.29% to 3.85% Update 2025-03-24: After publishing, I got a response from Debra Bouton stating […]
March 24, 2025
Michael ·
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Tags: capitalism, claire smith, debra bouton, donald trump, elon musk, etf, health, larry abele, lee coates, sri, tesla, TeslaTakedown, united health, united states, us vegan climate etf, vegan, vegn · Posted in: Uncategorized
CFE FCU denies cyclists to utilize drive-thru services
Today I was denied access to make a deposit at the Central Florida Educators Federal Credit Union drive-thru because I was on a bicycle. I expect better from a local, member-owned cooperative. If you are a member of CFE and you want to see this policy changed, send me an email at michael .dot. sa […]
December 31, 2011
Michael ·
Tags: cfe, cooporatives, credit unions, cycling, drivethru, efficiency, health · Posted in: bicycle, car, cooporatives, motorcycle, nonprofits, organizations, transportation
Homegrown, Sustainable Wheat
I’ve biked past the wheat fields of Kansas/Colorado. I saw the seemingly endless fields of annual corn + wheat GMOs. The centralized food industry of the United States has evolved far beyond traditional farming. Today, our farming techniques are very good at producing mass quantities of drought-resistant, disease-resistant, and (*gasp*) herbicide-resistant crops. However, our feeble […]
March 10, 2011
Michael ·
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Tags: agriculture, capitalism, erosion, gardening, GMOs, grains, grass, health, nutrition, peak oil, perennials, permaculture, roundup, sustainibility, toxins, wheat · Posted in: agriculture, climate, diet, health
The Methionine + Lysine Complete Protein Cheat Sheet
Being a self-educated vegan, it’s easy to muck things up–especially when it comes to eating the right protein when the FDA doesn’t require foods to be labeled with their amino acid contents. The mere grams of protein in a meal is insufficient information to determine how much protein your body can actually absorb. I recently […]
February 12, 2011
Michael ·
Tags: amino acids, beans, health, lysine, methionine, protein, rice, vegan, vegetarian · Posted in: diet, health, vegan, vegetarian
Antioxident-Rich Plants, for real
Not long after I began dissecting and altering my lifestyle to become more sustainable, I realized the benefits of supporting local farms. What’s better than buying produce from local farms? Growing yourself. As I had just bought a house, I made it my goal to convert the overgrown weedy backyard into an organic garden. While […]
January 27, 2010
Michael ·
Tags: acai, antioxidant, capitalism, dog rose, food, health, rosa canina, rose, rose hips · Posted in: diet, health
Cross-country Bicycle Trip
It’s been a couple of weeks since Quinn and I created a website specifically for our cross-country bicycle trip (Georgia to California) that we’re embarking on this summer (2010), but I haven’t really advertised it, yet. Then again, I haven’t really advertised *this* site at all. Nevertheless, the website is: If 2 guys can […]
December 23, 2009
Michael ·
Tags: 2guys1biketrip, co2, cycling, health · Posted in: active, bicycle, climate, co2, health, transportation
Thank you for going to the trouble of doing the calculations and sharing the info. Do you have a list…